On compact operators on the Riesz 􀡮􀢓-difference sequence spaces-II

Document Type : Regular Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, Sakarya University, 54187, Sakarya, Turkey

2 Department of Mathematics, Bilecik University, 11210, Bilecik, Turkey


The compact operators on the Riesz sequence space 􀝎􀯣 􀯤􁈺􀜤􀯠􁈻 􁈺1 􀵑 􀝌 􀵏 ∞􁈻 have been studied by Başarır and Kara, “IJST (2011) A4, 279-285”. In the present paper, we will characterize some classes of compact operators on the normed Riesz sequence spaces 􀝎􀬴 􀯤􁈺􀜤􀯠􁈻 and 􀝎􀮶 􀯤 􁈺􀜤􀯠􁈻 by using the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness.
