Characterization of thermophilic alkaline lipase produced by Staphylococcus aureus suitable for leather and detergent industries

Document Type : Regular Paper


1 PMRC research centre, Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad, Pakistan

2 Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics2, University of the Punjab, Quaid-e- Azam Campus, Lahore, Pakistan

3 University of the Punjab


Over 30 different water and soil samples were screened for lipase producing bacteria but only Staphylococcus aureus isolated from barbeque shop soil, produces lipase in highly alkaline conditions i.e. pH 11. Moreover, cotton seed derived pharm medium found to be most suitable for both growth and lipase production when compared with other five media. In addition, media supplemented with olive oil and mustard oil stimulated lipase production. Stirring rate was found to be directly influence the bacterial growth and lipase synthesis. Furthermore, isolated enzyme gave highest activity of 90 mU at pH of 11.0 and 315 mU at 52°C. Isolated lipase was found to be a metalloenzyme and was tolerant to most of the inorganic salts and detergents tested. Maximum lipase activity was determined in the presence of CaCl2 and Tween 80 while it was severely inactivated in the presence of SDS. The molecular weight of the staphylococcal lipase was found to be ~25 kDa. This highly alkaline thermostable lipase producing S. aureus can be used for biotechnological and industrial applications.


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