dabcoammonium halochromates, C6H14N2 + Cr2F2O6 -(DAXC, X=F, Cl) , reagents for efficient and mild oxidation of organic substrates

Document Type : Regular Paper


Department of Chemitry, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran


New orange solid dabcoammonium halochromates, C6H14 N2+Cr2X2O6-,DAXC (X=F, Cl) are easily synthesized by the reaction of dabco (1,4-diaza-bicyclo[2.2.2]octane) with CrO3 in a 1∶2 molar ratio in the presence of HF and HCl. Dabcoammonium halochromates (VI) are versatile reagents for the effective and selective oxidation of organic substrates to carbonyl derivatives .


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