Combined Shearlet Shrinkage and Total Variation Minimization for Image Denoising

Document Type : Regular Paper


1 Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences University of Tabriz

2 Mississippi State University

3 Isfahan University of Technology


In this paper, a TV-based shearlet shrinkage is proposed for discontinuity-preserving denoising
using a combination of shearlet with a total variation scheme. For TV denoising numerical procedure, we use two approaches. In the first approach, we apply semi-implicit method for total variation. In order to solve Euler-Lagrange equation associated with total variation, we
use Additive Operator Splitting (AOS) scheme. This approach has good effect on suppressing
the pseudo-Gibbs and shearlet-like artifacts and is very efficient for reducing iterations. In the second approach, we use Split Bregman iteration method. This techniques converges very quickly and in combine by shearlet shrinkage produce good results.


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