Cosmological model with Ultra-relativistic ideal gas using gravitational and thermo-mechanical Hamiltonian formulation

Document Type : Regular Paper


1 Al-Madeenah al-Munawwarah

2 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Taibah University, Al-Madinah, KSA.

3 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Taibah University, Al-Madinah, KSA


A brief review of the Hamiltonian theory of self gravitating perfect fluid, which has been established by Kijowski et al. (1990) [1], has been discussed in this work. The formulation of the spherically symmetric cosmological problem has been derived. The most general 3-dimensional metric in the case of spherically symmetric space-time has been considered. In addition, the parameters which govern the dynamics have been fixed. The problem of homogeneous Universe has been considered for the Ultrarelativistic ideal gas. The dynamical equations have been derived. Three analytical solutions have been obtained.


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