MHD flow of a viscous Fluid between Dilating and Squeezing Porous Walls

Document Type : Regular Paper


1 COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Islamabad, Pakistan

2 Ondokuz Mayis University

3 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, HITEC University, Taxila Cantt, Pakistan

4 Department of Mathematics, College of Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA


In this article laminar flow of an isothermal, incompressible, electrically conducting
viscous fluid has beenstudied. The flow isconsidered through a rectangular domain of infinite
length and bounded by two orthogonally moving porous walls. The wallsenable the fluid to enter or exit during the successive contractions or expansions. Formulation of the problem is achieved in form of a nonlinear ordinary differential equation.The solution of the formulated equation is approximated by using Variation of ParametersMethod (VPM). The said method is an excellent tool to solve a verity of scientific and engineering problems. It is also free from the essential existence of a large or a small parameter and many other restrictions that some of the other solution schemes have. To investigate the effects of non-dimensional wall deformation , permeation Reynolds number R and magnetic parameterM on the flow field, graphical results are presented. The study of the flow between dilating or squeezing porous walls is a drastic simplification of the biological fluids transport through dilating or squeezing vessels. It is worth mentioning that the cases studied by [1] and [2] can be obtained as the special cases by setting M and 𝛼 to be zero, respectively.


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